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South Suburban Sanitary District History and Background

South Suburban Sanitary District (The District) is an Oregon Municipal Corporation created by the County Court of Klamath County, Oregon, on July 12, 1957, operating under the provisions of Oregon Revised Statue chapter 450 (ORS 450.985).
The District is governed by an elected Board of Directors that is comprised of three members. The first Board of Directors were Fred Lewis, President; Hal Cline; and Carl Yancey.
One of the first orders of business for the newly elected board was to bring before its electors the approval of general obligation bonds in the amount of $1.8 million running for 25 years. The bonds were issued and sold to raise funds for the acquisition of necessary lands for, and the construction of, a sewage collection and disposal system for the lands incorporated in the District. The election was held on the 5th day of November, 1957 and the electors passed the bond issue.
Administrative functions are directed by the General Manager, who reports to the Board of Directors. The District provides sewer collection and treatment services to the property owners within the South Suburbs of Klamath Falls, Oregon.