Frequently Asked Questions:
SSSD uses the same website that the City of Klamath Falls uses for their online payment processing. If you have already registered an account with City of Klamath Falls, login like you would to pay your water bill, then on the left-hand side of your screen there will be a button that says "Register New Account". Click that button, then enter the Account Number and Identification Number located on your SSSD bill to register your sewer account.
Your Identification Number will be located under the section of your bill that says "Online Bill-Pay is now available!".
South Suburban Sanitary District provides sewer service to homes located in the suburbs of Klamath Falls. We are a separate entity than the City of Klamath Falls utility billing and therefore, must be paid separately.
Our regular board meetings are typically every third Tuesday of each month at 10:00am in our main office at 2201 Laverne Ave. Klamath Falls, OR 97603. There are occasionally changes to this schedule. If changes have been made will will post the new time/date to our website under "Board Meetings".
We have an E-check option on our online system for those who wish to avoid extra fees. You will need to enter your checking account number and routing number (located on the bottom of your checks).