Capital Improvements

Capital Improvements Program
A five and ten year capital improvements program will be implemented based on condition and risk based information provided by the District asset management program, explained below. The asset management program will allow the District to focus on replacement and rehabilitation efforts that decrease the risk of system failure and that are the most efficient use of District capital.
Asset Management Program
The District asset management program will include components as defined by the Environmental Protection Agency:
“The identification, location, and condition of assets; the determination of their useful life and their valuation. The key to asset management is to understand the types, frequency, and costs of failure. Asset management often employs a risk-based management approach that utilizes information on asset failures as part of a decision making model to manage funding and maintenance priorities.”
The benefit of managing risk is a direct long-term cost savings to our rate-payers.
The District is in the process of establishing a data base of existing wastewater treatment infrastructure using a no cost software package designed by EPA. Check-up program for small systems (CUPSS, EPA) was developed to provide for a system of preventative maintenance and maintenance/replacement planning for smaller utilities. CUPSS can be found here:

In addition, the District will be assessing the condition of the sewer collection system by reviewing close circuit television footage of the sewer mains and by conducting sewer flow monitoring. The resulting database will eventually be uploaded into a GIS (geographical information system) database for use in determining the best value for sewer repair.