Connections to Us

Connections to the South Suburban Sanitary District
The South Suburban Sanitary District welcomes all new connections. Our Design Standards define our construction standards and our Ordinances define our connection and rate policies. In order to maintain adequate sewer capacity, the District will need to apply a one-time system development charge (SDC) for all new users.
How SSSD Calculates Sewer Connection or Change of Use Fees
SSSD imposes a portion of the cost of wastewater capacity replacement on developments, single and multifamily residences, and other new developments that create increased demands on the existing system. This cost is imposed through the use of System Development Charges (SDC’s). These charges are separate from, and in addition to, any applicable tax, assessment, charge or fee otherwise provided by law or imposed as a condition of development. SDC fees shall be applied only to capital improvements assessed, and only on capacity increasing improvements including expenditures relating to repayment of debt for the improvements. SDC’s must be paid prior to connection to any SSSD wastewater system. Wastewater SDC’s are calculated based on an annually adjusted fee amount per Equivalent Residential Unit (ERU). A list of ERU’s required for various types of development are included in Ordinance #56

The necessary permits for construction will need to be obtained through Klamath County.
It is wise to select a good licensed contractor that has experience in performing sewer work. One way to verify a Contractor's license is to visit the Construction Contractor's Board.
All work connected to the South Suburban Sanitary District must be approved and inspected. Please meet with District Staff to determine what will be needed for your specific project.